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过重的英文翻译 过重英文怎幺说 过重的英文例句




    overweight (luggage)

overweight [әuvә'weit]


luggage [lʌgidʒ]



耗竭耗尽力气;使负担过重To wear out the strength of; overtax.极胖的;过重的Extremely fat; grossly overweight.南太平洋通过重击塔帕树皮製成的类似于纸的布料。A paperlike cloth made in the south pacific by pounding tapa bark.你曾经患过重病吗?Have you ever had a serious illness?你可以通过重放再看一遍。You can see it again on playback.他自夸从未得过重病。He boasted of never having had a serious illness.我们一般倾向于把金钱看得过重而低估艺术的价值。We generally tend to overvalue money and undervalue art.我也从来没有犯过重罪!And I've never committed a serious crime!一个被沉重的教科书压得过重的小孩子A small child overweighted with heavy schoolbooks这幢建筑物经过重新整修后,将会是崭新的大楼。The building after being remodeled will be copeletely new and up to date.


上部过重的 top heavy

使...负担过重 overtax

使负担过重 overload with

因...而负荷过重 overburden with

处刑过重 too heavy sentencing

对...说来负担过重 sat heavy on; sit heavy on

工作过重 be overloaded with work

徵税过重 overtax; overtaxation

抽税过重 overtax

经过重新考虑而改变主意 have second thoughts

行李超重,行李过重 excess baggage

装载过重 over load OL)

课税过重 overtax

负担过重 break her back; break his back; break my back; break our back; break their back; break your back

过重 preponderate

过重係数 overload coefficient

鱼雷过重度 torpedo overweight factor

