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过日子的英文翻译 过日子英文怎幺说 过日子的英文例句




    to live one's life
    to pass one's days
    to get along

live [laiv]

    adj.活的,生动的,精力充沛的,实况转播的,点燃的 vi.活着,生活,居住,流在人们记忆中 vt.过着,度过,经历 adv.以实况地

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

life [laif]


pass [pa:s; (-) pæs]

    n.经过,关口,途径,护照,通行证,入场券,传球,及格 vt.通过,审查通过,忽略,传递 vi.经过,变化,流通,宣判,被忽略,终止,传递,不叫牌


    n.天,时期 adv.每天,在白天


靠她们的钱包过日子Live out of their purses.没有你的帮忙我们也能过日子。We can get along without your help.如果你呆在拉里沙,你会平静地过日子If you stay in larisa you will find peace.他随波逐流地过日子。He is drifting through life.他为自己能悠闲舒适地过日子而感到满足。He was content to lie back and take life easy.她过日子很仔细。She is frugal of her expenses.振作起来,欢欢快快地过日子。Buck up and enjoy yourself.勒紧腰带;更节省地过日子;节省。We decided to tighten our belt and save up some money for a holiday.上星期他们饑一顿饱一顿地过日子,因为他们供不起正常的饮食。They were on short commons last week because they couldn't afford to eat properly.是应该待在景色优美的地方放轻鬆过日子、看着地球不停地转动?Does it mean relaxing by a scenic place and watch the world go by?他们问我是否靠领取补助救济金过日子。They asked if I was on supplementary benefit.她靠存款过日子。She lived on her savings.我缠绵病榻过日子。I lingered away my days on the sickbed.我退休时,我会搬到乡村里一间宁静的房子靠我的退休金过日子。When I retire I'll move to a quiet house in the country and live off my pension.


依赖公众过日子 on the bum

俭省地过日子 live close

相安无事地在一起过日子 rubbed along

过日子 get along

靠双手过日子 live by one''s hands

靠耍小聪明过日子 live by one''s wits; live on one''s wits

靠造谣说谎过日子 live on rumour-mongering and lying

