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候机的英文翻译 候机英文怎幺说 候机的英文例句





wait [weit]

    v.(~ for)等待,等候 n.等待,等待时间


她在候机室等我。She is waiting for me in the departure lounge.他在候机室等待飞机时,匆匆地给家里人写了一封短信。He tore off a short letter to his family while waiting in the airport lounge.机场过境用的候机室A transit lounge in an airport您必须到移民处办完手续再去候机室。You must go through immigration to the departure lounge.请到候机室等待通知。Please wait at the departure lounge until it's announced.他们等候机会进行反击。They awaited an opportunity to counter-attack.听到播报您的航班通知后,请前往候机室。When your flight is announced make your way to the departure lounge.我们托运行李后直接进入候机室。We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge.我让派翠克和迪莉娅在候机室里喝香槟鸡尾酒。I left patrick and delia in the departure lounge drinking champagne cocktails.登机前,旅客必须先到候机室候机。Passengers must go to the waiting lounge before boarding a flight.离开候机室远一点,转弯时以免吹人。Leave plenty of the terminal building for turning to avoid jet blast to the people.他是一个等退票的旅客,应该到候机服务台去。He's a standby passenger and he should report to the departure desk.


候机厅 departure hall

候机室 waiting room

候机室建筑物 terminal building

候机室 airterminal

