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吼叫的英文翻译 吼叫英文怎幺说 吼叫的英文例句




    to howl

howl [haul]

    v.嚎叫,怒吼,嚎啕大哭,喝住,号叫 n.嚎叫,怒号,嚎哭


皮毛厚而软且不会吼叫的猫科动物;家猫;野猫。Feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats.他好象没之前吼叫得那幺多了He don't howl so much anymore.他吼叫着对她拳打脚踢。He screamed and hit out at her.他们大声吼叫着唱饮酒歌。They bellowed out a drinking song.他能模拟狮子的吼叫。He can imitate a lion's roar.野驴有草岂能叫唤,牛有料,岂能吼叫。Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass or an ox bellow when it has fodder?疯子吼叫起来。她把浓密蓬乱的卷髮从脸上分开,狂野地瞪着她的客人。The maniac bellowed; she parted her shaggy locks form her visage and gazed wildly at her visitors.你再对我吼叫看看。Yell at me some more.狮子的吼叫声响彻整个丛林。The lion's roar could be heard throughout the jungle.他对佣人大声吼叫。He bellowed at his servant.他发出愤怒的吼叫。He emitted a roar of rage.她的回答是一声怒气冲冲的吼叫。She answered with an angry snarl.我说的可不是奥伯龙的吼叫And I don't mean oberon's big thunder.一头在秋季发情期吼叫的野公牛。A bison bull bellowing in the autumn rut.


吼叫 bark out

大声吼叫 bellow out

对...吼叫 bellow at

用大声吼叫来淹没 howl down

