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过路的英文翻译 过路英文怎幺说 过路的英文例句




    pass by

pass [pa:s; (-) pæs]

    n.经过,关口,途径,护照,通行证,入场券,传球,及格 vt.通过,审查通过,忽略,传递 vi.经过,变化,流通,宣判,被忽略,终止,传递,不叫牌


摘要居高不下的过路费以及日趋刚性的罚款是公路货运超载的主要原因。High toll and tough penalty are the major causes for highway overload.招一辆过路车停下Flag down a passing car.过路车辆溅起的泥浆把墙弄髒了。Passing cars have spattered the wall up with mud.过路的司机都车速放慢,伸长脖子看车祸。Passing drivers slowed down to rubberneck at the accident.过路人:是的,这是。Passer-by: yes it is.甲=王先生;乙=过路人A=; b= passer-by临时旅客过路人,尤指只呆很短一段时间的旅馆住宿者One that is transient especially a hotel guest or boarder who stays for only a brief time.那个雪球打在过路人的肩膀上。A snow ball caught the passer-by in the shoulder.他们经常潜伏在黑灯瞎火的小街上,对过路人行兇抢劫。They would lurk in the dark side streets and mug any passers-by.他是一个伟大的过路人,他的举动和他的命中中度跳线。He's a great passer he moves and he hits the midrange jumper.武士正在徵收通过高山关隘的过路税。Goliath warriors are demanding a toll for passage through a high mountain pass.一名过路人拍摄下了事件的全过程。A passer-by captured the whole incident on film.


过路人 passer by; passers by

过路白细胞 passenger leukocyte

过路的客人 bird of passage

过路税 staple right

过路货栈 transit godown

过路费 road toll

通过路线 pass course

