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棘轮的英文翻译 棘轮英文怎幺说 棘轮的英文例句



[jí lún]


ratchet [rætʃit]



请使用商用转换棘轮。Use a commercially available change-over ratchet.使用商用的转换棘轮!Use commercially available changeover ratchet!使用转换棘轮顶住振动平衡器。Counter at the vibration balancer using the change-over ratchet.棘轮,棘爪,棘条这种机械装置中的爪状物,转轮或长条The pawl wheel or bar of this mechanism.棘轮行程不会中断扭矩角的测量。Ratchet travel does not interrupt angle measurement.


内棘轮 inner ratchet

半自动棘轮式螺丝刀 semi-automatic ratchet screw driver

套筒棘轮扳手 socket ratchet wrench

方柄棘轮扳钻 square shank ratchet drill

木柄棘轮式螺丝起子 ratchet screwdriver with wooden handle

木柄棘轮螺丝起子 wooden handle ratchet screwdriver

棘轮 ratchet wheel

棘轮传动装置 ratchet driver

棘轮凿岩机 ratchet drill

棘轮单头扳手 ratchet handle spanner

棘轮套环 ratchet ring

棘轮式继电器 ratchet relay

棘轮弹簧 ratchet spring

棘轮扳手 ratchet type wrench ratchet wrench ratchet spanner

棘轮摇钻 n. ratchet drill

棘轮效应论 ratchet effect theory

棘轮机构 ratchet mechanism含有棘轮和棘爪的主动件作往复运动,从动件作步进运动的机构。

棘轮梅花扳手 double offset ring spanner with ratchet ratchet ring spanner

棘轮涡杆千斤顶 ratchet lever jack

棘轮滚筒 ratchet roller

棘轮滚筒离合器 ratchet roller clutch

棘轮爪 driving pawl pawl ratchet pawl

棘轮离合器 ratchet clutch由棘轮、棘爪组成嵌合副的离合器。

棘轮螺丝刀 ratchet screwdriver

棘轮装置 n. ratchet gearing

棘轮起重器 ratchet jack

棘轮轴 ratchet shaft

棘轮进给 ratohet feed

棘轮连接器 ratchet coupling

镀铬棘轮梅花扳手 reversible ring spanner,chrome plated

