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后腿的英文翻译 后腿英文怎幺说 后腿的英文例句



[hòu tuǐ]

    drawleg;hind leg;rear leg;back leg

hind [haind]


leg [leg]

    n.腿,胫,旅程的一段 vi.走,跑

rear [riә(r)]

    n.后面,背后,后方,屁股 adj.后面的,背面的,后方的 vt.培养,饲养,举起,树立,栽种 vi.高耸,暴跳,用后腿站起


那条狗翘起了一条后腿。The dog cocked its hind leg.牛排适于焙烤或油炸的大块牛肉片,如取自后腿或里脊A slice of beef such as one taken from the loin or the hindquarters suitable for broiling or frying.三个月来,他都用前爪扒着地,拖着受伤的后腿部分移动。For three months he dragged his injured hindquarters by clawing the earth with his front paws.食肉的水蝽,后腿形如浆。Carnivorous aquatic bug having paddle-like hind legs.它又用后腿拨弄翅膀,把翅膀向身上拉平,好像翅膀是它礼服的后摆;Scraping its wings with its hind legs and smoothing them to its body as if they had been coat-tails;用刀或锯从关节处切掉后腿。Remove the hind leg by cutting through the joint closest to the foot with a knife or saw.有十几颗子弹射入他的后腿。A dozen pellets had lodged themselves in his hind leg.袋鼠的后腿非常有力。Kangaroos'hind legs are enormously powerful.后腿部分四足动物两后腿附着于躯干处以后的所有部分The posterior part of a quadruped adjacent to the hind legs.就是有什幺拖你后腿Because it's-it's gotten you off-track缺乏资料会拖这项研究工作的后腿。Lack of data will bog the research down.它们会用后腿支撑站立起来,互相用掌猛击,或者互相滚在一起。They would prance on their hind legs making wild swipes in the air or tumbling over each other.


冻兔后腿 frozen rabbit hind leg

冻后腿 frozen hind leg

冻麅子后腿 frozen roe deer hind leg

冻猪后腿 frozen pork hind leg

冻猪后腿精肉 frozen lean pork ham

冻羊后腿 frozen mutton hind leg

冻鹿后腿 frozen venison hind leg

冻麂后腿 frozen muntjac hind leg

前腿举起坐在后腿上 sit up

拖现代工业后腿 delay in the modern industry

