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后手的英文翻译 后手英文怎幺说 后手的英文例句



[hòu shǒu]

    defensive position; way of escape; back hand;room for maneuver; a way of escape

defensive [di'fensiv]

    adj.防御用的,自卫的 n.防御

position [pә'ziʃ(ә)n]

    n.位置,职位,立场,形势,阵地 vt.安置,决定...的位置

way [wei]

    n.路,路线,路途,习惯,行业,规模,道路,情形 adj.中途,途中的 adv.远远地,大大地,非常

escape [i'skeip]

    n.逃,逃亡,溢出设备,出口,逃跑,[植]野生 vi.逃脱,避开,溜走 vt.逃避,避免,被忘掉

back [bæk]

    adj.后面的,在后面,早过去的,前(欠)的钱 adv.向后地 n.背部,后面 v.后退,支持

hand [hænd]

    n.手,掌管,协助,支配,插手,指针,雇员,手艺 vt.支持,搀扶,交给

room [rum]


maneuver [mә'nu:vә(r)]

    v.机动 n.机动


由细工木匠最后手工完成的木製品。Woodwork finished by hand by a cabinetmaker.罢工是工联主义的最后手段。The strike is the ultima ratio of trade unionism.后翻斤斗向后翻的筋斗或后手翻A backward somersault or handspring.后手翻接前手翻,再侧翻,再后手翻接侧翻Back handspring front handspring cartwheel back handspring cartwheel...利用资料恢复服务资料恢复专家通常作为最后手段。Utilizing data recovery services from data recovery experts usually comes as a last resort.然后再后手翻接前手翻Back handspring front handspring再后手翻接后手翻Back handspring back handspring再前手翻接后手翻…Front handspring back handspring...


作为最后手段 as a last resort; as a last resource; in the bottom of the bag; in the last resort

后手背书人 subsequent endorser

最后手段 last resource

留着后手 have something up one''s sleeve

採取事后手段 play her last card; play his last card; play your last card

採取最后手段 went over the top

採用最后手段 go over the top

