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吉尔的英文翻译 吉尔英文怎幺说 吉尔的英文例句



[jí ěr]


jill [dʒil]

    n.女人,少女 Jill 吉尔(女子名)

gill [gil]

    n.腮,腮下肉,峡谷,峡流,锶 v.用刺网捕鱼


邱吉尔除了本身已经是一位口才出众又着述丰富的作家外,Having already become an eloquent and prolific writer她们在女子双打比赛中以15比7和15比5打败了凯伦。贝克曼和吉利恩。吉尔克斯。They defeat karen beckman and gillian gilks15-7and15-5in the women's doubles.她们在女子双打比赛中以15比7和15比5打败了凯伦•贝克曼和吉利恩•吉尔克斯。They defeated karen beckman and gillian gilks15-7and15-5in the women's doubles.温斯顿邱吉尔与他同名的人一样几乎是通才。Winston churchill has been almost as versatile as his english namesake.下面开始发球,海皮。吉尔摩。Next to tee off happy gllmore.一出吉伯特和沙利文创作的轻歌剧通俗而轻鬆。A gilbert and sullivan operetta.应该是邱吉尔去捏米饭It needs churchiii squeezing that rice.由于她给英军带来了大麻烦,所以时任英国首相邱吉尔命令海军击沉卑斯麦号。After it wreaked havoc on british forces winston churchill ordered the navy to sink the bismarck.作为一位政治家,他以邱吉尔为榜样。A politician he modeled himself on churchill.


坦吉尔 tangier

坦吉尔病 Tangier disease

吉尔-姆斯牌汽车 Zil-Mmz

吉伯特反极性期 Gilbert reversed polarity epoch

吉伯特综合征 Gilbert syndrome

吉尔平面座标 Guier plane coordinate

吉尔法 Gear method

吉尔牌汽车 Zil

吉尔福德-齐默尔曼性格调查 Guilford-Zimmerman temperament survey

吉尔绍事件 Gilsa event

安吉尔 angell plan

安吉尔国际货币计画 Angell plan

安吉尔雷斯特醋酯丝束 Angelrest

阿吉尔聚乙烯纤维 Agil

阿吉尔聚乙烯纤维 Agil

麦吉尔可铸可锻铝青铜 McGill alloy McGill metal

麦吉尔氏接合体 Magill attachment
