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吼的英文翻译 吼英文怎幺说 吼的英文例句



    roar or howl of an animal
    bellow of rage

roar [rɔ:(r)]

    n.吼叫,怒号 vi.吼叫,怒号 v.滚动,咆哮

howl [haul]

    v.嚎叫,怒吼,嚎啕大哭,喝住,号叫 n.嚎叫,怒号,嚎哭

animal [ænim(ә)l]


bellow [belәu]


rage [reidʒ]

    n.愤怒,情绪激动,狂暴,精神错乱 vi.大怒,狂吹,风行


水準从枯萎到哮吼。Level from withers to croup.随着蟾蜍的全副精良披挂被剥掉,他那大吼大叫的威风也消失大半了。A good deal of his blustering spirit seemed to have evaporated with the removal of his fine panoply.他对佣人大声吼叫。He bellowed at his servant.他发出愤怒的吼叫。He emitted a roar of rage.他又跳,又吼,又叫,使尽各种伎俩来搅扰这苍穹。He danced howled raved and otherwise disturbed the welkin.她的回答是一声怒气冲冲的吼叫。She answered with an angry snarl.我们继续互相吼着,她还说了些不堪入耳的话。We continued yelling at each other and she said unprintable things.我们听见了狮子的吼声。We heard a lion roar.我说的可不是奥伯龙的吼叫And I don't mean oberon's big thunder.我要杀了他!”查利吼着沖到楼梯井。I'll kill him! "Charley roared up the stairwell.一头在秋季发情期吼叫的野公牛。A bison bull bellowing in the autumn rut.这是什幺?是野兽的吼声,夜莺的啼声,还是人的喊声?Could it be the cry of any animal of some night-bird or did it issue from human lips?


吼叫 bark out

哮吼 croup

大声吼叫 bellow out

奥德纳牌手錶 Hodan

奥德纳牌手錶 Hodan

对...吼叫 bellow at

怒吼 bellow out

用大声吼叫来淹没 howl down

赫特利牌手錶 Hertli

赫特利牌手錶 Hertli

