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击倒的英文翻译 击倒英文怎幺说 击倒的英文例句



[jī dǎo]

    to knock down
    knocked down

knock [nɔk]

    v.敲,敲打,敲击,(使)碰撞 n.敲,击,敲打

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地


他在第二回合中被击倒。He was ko'd in the second round.足够强大的,击倒或压倒一切的。Strong enough to knock down or overwhelm.把那笨蛋给击倒,梅森!Knock this bum out mase!本来穆罕默德该被击倒的Supposed to be muhammad was gonna fall.亨利•库柏主要因为击倒了穆罕默德•阿里而一举成名。Henry cooper's chief claim to fame is that he knocked down mohammed ali.击倒一个球瓶记一分。Ten rounds are one game.死神之手很快就击倒了伊莎贝拉女王The hand ofdeath would soon strike down queen isabella他将他的对手击倒。He knocked his opponent down.挑战者用一记有力的上钩拳把卫冕冠军击倒在地The challenger leveled the champion with a mighty uppercut.我经常听人们说击倒对方获胜和技术击倒得胜。I often hear people say a knockout and a technical knockout.以复仇的愤怒力量击倒你!Strike down upon thee with great vengance and fury!


假装被击倒而故意输掉 take a dive; taken a dive; took a dive

击倒 bowl over; knock cold; laid low; strike down; struck down; struke down

击倒中时 KT50=median knock down time)半数击倒时间

击倒中量 KD50=median knock down dosage)半数击倒剂量

击倒抗性 kdr =knock down resistance)抗击倒性

在被击倒后经裁判数过十秒钟尚未起立 take the count; taken the count

抗击倒基因 knock down resistance gene抗击倒性基因

未被击倒 keep on one''s feet

被击倒 kiss the resin

被击倒后裁判计数 be down for the count

