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红花的英文翻译 红花英文怎幺说 红花的英文例句




    safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)

safflower [sæflauә(r)]



红花种子榨出的油,用作食物及用于医药和油漆。Oil from safflower seeds used as food as well as in medicines and paints.鸡蛋片蘸点藏红花酱Egg slice with a touch of saffron sauce.南非公司大量求购藏红花。We have buy inquiries for saffron.秋日的蕃红花细密有致地点缀着树下的那片草地。Autumn crocuses star the grass under the trees.我最爱圣诞红的红花了。I love the red flower of poinsettia.仙人掌科带有猩红花的一个属。A genus of the cactus family with scarlet flowers.朱顶红花粉管中营养核的纤丝状内含体The fibrillar inclusions in the vegetative nucleus of amaryllis pollen tube*


墨红花净油 absolute of rose crimson glory

墨红花浸膏 concrete of rose crimson glory

新疆草红花 Xinjiang safflower

水红花子 fruit of princesplume ladysthumb

番红花 crocus saffron crocus

皇妃红花岗石 red ruby

红花 safflower, Carthamus tinctorius L.

红花 Flos Carthami

红花园组 Honghuayuan Formation

红花子 kardiseed

红花子 kardiseed

红花油 cinnamon leaf oil safflower oil

红花籽 safflower seed

红花籽油 safflower oil

红花罗勒油 basil oil,sweet

红花芸豆 red coloured kidney bean

红花菜豆 scarlet runner bean, multiflora bean, Phaseolus coccineus L.又称"多花菜豆"。

红花酢浆草 window-box oxalis, Oxalis rubra St. Hil.

红花酥 rice layered peanut crisp

红花黄色素 carthamin yellow carthamus tinctorius yellow colour

红花龙胆 red gentian

陆佑红花岗石 red balmoral

