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红灯的英文翻译 红灯英文怎幺说 红灯的英文例句




    red light

red [red]

    n.红色,红衣服,红颜料,赤字,亏空 adj.红(色)的,革命的

light [lait]

    n.光,日光,发光体,灯 adj.轻的,发光的,明亮的,浅的vt.点燃,照亮 adv.轻地 vi.点着,变亮


西尔维斯特也永远成不了作家,儘管他的大名在五百支红灯的照耀下闪闪发光。Nor will sylvester ever be a writer though his name blaze in50000-candle-power red lights.先生,你闯红灯了You ran a red light sir.现在是红灯,车要停下来。Dad: it's the rad light now. It's to shop the car.一个外面有块闪闪发亮的霓红灯广告招牌的汽车旅馆A motel with a flashing neon sign outside.一个外面有块闪闪发亮的霓红灯广告招牌的汽车旅馆。A motelwith a flashing neon sign outside.一辆轿车闯了红灯。A car rushed through the red light.用途:作彩色电视和三基色稀土节能红灯等红色萤光粉。Uses: as red phosphor for color tv-sets and trichromatic lamp.早熟大果型樱桃良种‘红灯’A prematurity and big fruit sweet cherry variety'hongdeng '这座城市以其红灯区和脱衣舞酒吧而臭名远扬。The city is notorious for its red light district and strip clubs.


交通红灯 red light

红灯 n. red light

红灯光 n. red signal light

红灯区 red-light district; nightspot

红灯时间 red time

脱水红灯笼辣椒 air-dried paprika

闯红灯 jump the red light; run the red light

