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红豆的英文翻译 红豆英文怎幺说 红豆的英文例句




    azuki bean
    red bean

bean [bi:n]


red [red]

    n.红色,红衣服,红颜料,赤字,亏空 adj.红(色)的,革命的


我要大红豆、花生、芒果,还有炼乳。I would like red beans peanuts mango and condensed milk.2、根据化石研究表明,红豆杉科的化石发现于上白垩世。 Fossil evidences show the fossil of taxus were found in the upper cretaceous period.ph对红豆杉愈伤组织生长、pal活性和紫杉醇含量的影响。Effect of ph on callus growth pal activity and paclitaxel content of plants of taxus l.东北红豆杉种子休眠机理与解除技术探讨。Dormancy mechanism and relieving techniques of seeds of taxus cuspidata zucc.每逢盛夏,可用红小豆製成雪糕,冰棒,霜淇淋,红豆汤等消署佳品。They can also make cool and refreshing ice cream popsicles and red bean soup.你吃过红豆冰棍。You "ve eaten a red bean popsicle.药草园里有人参、三七、天麻、红豆杉、接骨木等460多种药用植物。Medicinal herb garden is home to some464species of plants for medical use.影响红豆杉生长的主要生态因数。Major affecting ecological factors on growth of taxus spp.种皮的肉质加厚,形似真正的果实,如红豆杉属植物。A fleshy thickening of the seed coat which resembles a true fruit as in taxus.


启东红豆 Qidong origin red bean

唐山红豆 Tangshan origin red bean

天津红豆 Tianjin origin red bean

山东红豆 Shantung origin red bean

崇明红豆 Tsungming origin red bean

糖水红豆 red bean in syrup

红豆 red bean

红豆汁 red bean juice

红豆沙 red bean paste

红豆蔻 galangal fruit

红豆越桔 linberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.

红豆雪条 red bean ice cream bar

