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    surname Lian

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


php可以透明地转换连接。Php is capable of transforming links transparently.sas驱动器需要一个独立的sas连接器插件板。Sas drives require a separate sas controller plug-in card.sio_2上inp薄膜的连续ar~+镭射再结晶Cw ar~+ laser recrystallization of inp films on sio_2tor使用tcp传输资料,使用tls加密连接。Tor uses tcp for transport and tls for link encryption.wdreeide磁碟机採用工业标準的4插脚电源连接器。The wd re eide drives use the industry-standard4-pin power connector.windows不能连接到新的林目录,因为:%1Windows cannot connect to the new forest because:% 1


一位群连接器 one digit group connector

一口一口地连续抽烟 pull at

一对一连接 onetoone connection

一致绝对连续的 uniformly absolutely continuous

一致连续映射 uniform continuous mapping

一致连续的 uniformly continuous

一连两年的 biennially

一连串 a chain of

一连串的 a chain of

一连串的灾难 an iliad of woes

一连几小时 for hours together

一连几星期 for weeks together

一连好几代 for generations

一阶几何连续 G1 continuity俗称"G1连续"。

一阶参数连续 C1 continuity俗称"C1连续"。

丁烷火焰连续记定仪 sigma recording methanometer

丁烷焰连续记录 butane flame methanometer

万向接头连接 n. gimbal joint

万能连杆调节器 universal link adjuster

三球式连接器 triple-ball connector

三脚连接器 three-pin conncetor

三连晶 trilling

三连曲柄轴 n. three throw crank shaft

三连通分支 triconnected component

上丘连合 commissure of superior colliculus

上半连续性 upper semi-continuity

上半连续映射 upper semi-continuous mapping

上半连续的 upper semi-continuous

上肢带连结 joints of upper limb girdle

上连续格 upper continuous lattice

