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果酱的英文翻译 果酱英文怎幺说 果酱的英文例句



[guǒ jiàng]


jam [dʒæm]

    n.果酱,拥挤,堵塞,困境 vt.挤进,使塞满,混杂,压碎,使堵塞 vi.堵塞,轧住,拥挤


妈妈过去常常自製桃子果酱。Mother used to make peach preserves.妈妈在烤麵包上涂果酱。Mother is spreading the toast with marmalade.您的早餐是烤麵包片和果酱。You have toast and marmalade for breakfast.欧楂果欧楂树的果实,生吃或做成果酱而食The fruit of this plant eaten fresh or made into preserves.请再上一些果酱。Please bring us more marmalade.她坐着用匙给婴儿喂苹果酱。She sat spooning apple puree into the baby's mouth.我喜欢烤麵包和果酱。I like toast and jam.我可以要些果酱吗?May I have some marmalade?我们把几种果酱放在託盘上供您挑选。We'll put a selection of preserves on your tray.我喜欢吐司配橘子果酱I like marmalade on my toasts.我有覆盆子果酱、苹果馅饼We've got raspberry jam an apple tart....由柑桔类水果的果肉和果皮做成的果酱。A preserve made of the pulp and rind of citrus fruits.越橘果这种植物的可食用红色浆果,可用来做果酱和密饯The edible red berry of this plant used to make sauces jams and preserves.


人造果酱 imitation jam

什锦果酱 assorted jam cocktail fruit jam mixed fruit jam

制果酱器 fruit pulper

无花果酱 fig jam

果酱 fruit jam

果酱夹心糖 fruit jam stuffed sweet

果酱木 jamwood

果酱盅 jam-pot

果酱盅碟 jam-pot saucer

果酱罐头 canned fruit jam canned jam

果酱装填机 jam filler

椰子果酱 coconut butter

甜桔皮果酱 sweet marmalade

红果酱 haw jam

腰果酱 cashew kernel paste

芒果酱 mango chutney mango jam

苹果酱 apple butter

苹果酱油 apple sauce

苹果酱罐头 canned apple jam

调味苹果酱 apple sauce

