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机的英文翻译 机英文怎幺说 机的英文例句



    surname Ji

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


“他的六千项发明包括电灯泡、留声机(唱机)和油印机。”"His6000inventions included the electric light bulb the phonograph and the mimeograph machine."“维米号”开足了马力,在机场上开始慢慢滑行。The vimy throttles full open began to roll slowly down the field.“我不申请当司机,“他回答。"I won't apply as a motorman" he answered.“无法启动印表机web查看。"The printer web view failed to start.“响尾蛇式”导弹是一种取名为响尾蛇的空对空导弹,它从战斗机上发射。Sidewinder an air-to-air missile bearing the name of a rattlesnake is launched from a fighter plane.“引擎,发动机:把能量转化为机械力和运动的一种机器。”Engine: a machine that converts energy into mechanical force or motion.“再次作为一名僚机,我了解了我的部下们的感受。”Snow: flying as a wingman again I now know how my men felt.……全面超越多曲柄式发动机的飞行... The ability to sustain normal flight in the event of a multiengine failure.…管,收音机管…... Tube the radio tube...-材料的化学成分分析和机械性能检验报告;-Chemical component analysis report for materials and mechanical performance inspection report;-电机堵转电流,检验开始的电压降不应超过15%。-Motor stall current the initial voltage drop for inspection shall not exceed15%.

