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滚翻的英文翻译 滚翻英文怎幺说 滚翻的英文例句





roll [rәul]

    adj.滚动,滚转,(使)摇摆,(使)摇晃,卷起,卷拢 vt.辗,轧 n.(一)卷,卷形物,摇晃,摆动,名单


将张紧绳在防滚翻杆上定位并插入固定销()。Position tension rope on roll-over bar and insert retaining pin in.借助导销将安全带安放在防滚翻杆上。Position the belt on the roll-over bar with the aid of the guide pin.气体发生器位于防滚翻杆上的安全带卷收器上。Gas generator on the belt retractor on the roll-over bar.确保将自动皮带装置的销钉正确插入防滚翻杆。Ensure that the pin of the automatic belt device is correctly inserted into the roll-over bar.他把两腿蜷曲起来做了个前滚翻。Drawing up his knees against his chest he did a forward roll.防滚翻保护架包括后轴上起稳定作用的减震器支撑。The roll cage includes the spring strut supports on the rear axle for stability.检查风挡中间部分以及防滚翻杆上的按钮的安装位置。Check installation position of windstop middle section and push-button on roll-over bar.将6点式安全带紧固到防滚翻保护架横樑的绕带方法。Loop technique for fastening the six-point seat belt to the roll cage cross member.汽车滑出路面,打着滚翻下坡去。The car skid off the road and rolled over and over down the slope.然后,执行器将释放锁定棘爪,将施加有弹簧负载的防滚翻杆伸出。Actuators then release a locking pawl which causes the spring-loaded roll-over bar to extend.鬆开防滚翻保护架横樑上6点式安全带的绕带方法。Loop technique for releasing the six-point seat belt on the roll cage cross member.压入防滚翻杆:Pressing in the roll-over bar:一会儿侧手翻一会儿前滚翻地前进。Progressing by cart wheeling and rolling.


滚翻式舱口盖 single pull hatchcover

滚翻机制 flip-flop mechanism

