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旅游团的英文翻译 旅游团英文怎幺说 旅游团的英文例句




    a tour group

tour [tuә(r)]

    n.旅行,游历,旅游 v.旅行,游历,巡迴,漫游

group [gru:p]

    n.团体,组,团,群,批,[地]界,[化]基 v.聚合,成群


由于突降暴风雪,旅游团被困在山上的小棚屋里。The tourist group is stranded in the mountain hut by a sudden snowstorm.这个旅游团是由我们的本地旅游代理商组织安排的。The tour is arranged by our local travel agent.这个旅游团悠闲地参观这个博物馆。The group tour the museum at a leisurely pace.这个旅游团的成员认为旅游度假公司对他们有失公平。The group feels they do not get a fair deal from the holiday company.该旅游团将在德里下飞机。The party will deplane at delhi.何不节省豪华套房、旅游团的花费,做一个自由自在、不受束缚的背包客。Save more unnecessary cost and enjoy being a free and untrammeled backpacker.旅游团成员从导游那里拿到详细的日程表。The member of the group is given a derailed tour itinerary by the courier.我们希望旅游团长及时通知我们关于计画的变动。We desire that the tour leady inform us immediately of any change in plans.我想参加有导游带路的旅游团。I'd like to go on a conducted tour.柏西菲卡旅游公司正在寻找陪同旅游团流览三藩市的双语导游。Pacifica tour is look for a bilingual tour guide for escort tour group through san francisco.另有两人将在开罗加入旅游团。Two more people will join the group in cairo.我将参加一个一天的旅游团,游览那不勒斯,苏连托和风景如画的卡普里岛。I'm going on a one-day excursion to naples sorrento and the picturesque island of capri.


旅游团 tourist party

