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录音电话的英文翻译 录音电话英文怎幺说 录音电话的英文例句



[lùyīn diànhuà]

    voicegram;answer phone;answering machine;record telephone

answer [a:nsә(r); (-) 'ænsәr]

    n.答案,回答,答辩,抗辩 v.回答说,答覆说,符合,反响,回应

phone [fәun]

    n.电话,电话机 v.(给...)打电话

answering [ɑ:nsәriŋ]

    adj. 答覆的; 符合的; 相应的

machine [mә'ʃi:n]

    n.机器,机械,机动车辆,机构,设计,机械般工作的人,(政党的)领导集团,核心组织 vt.机器製造,用车床加工

record [rekɔ:d; (-) 'rekәrd]

    n.履历,档案,诉状,最高纪录,报告,唱片 vt.记录,标明,将...录音 vi.录音,被录音 adj.创纪录的

telephone [telifәun]

    n.电话,电话机 v.打电话


观看比赛时我徒劳地试图用录音电话把它记录下来.I vainly tried to record it onmy dictaphone at thematch.对方录音电话中有一个声音说“请在嘟嘟声之后留话”。The voice on the answerphone said "please leave any message after the beep".她不在家,因此我在她的录音电话上留了言。She wasn't in so I left a message on her answerphone.她在我的录音电话上留了一个含糊不清的留言。She'd left a very confusing message on my answerphone.我给他打电话时,他不在,所以,我在他的录音电话中给他留言。He was not in when I called so I left a message on his answerphone.星期我打过好几次电话,但总是只听到你录音电话里的声音。I rang several times last week but I kept getting your wretched answerphone.这录音电话每天几乎都放在实验室里The dictaphone has been in my lab pretty much the entire day.


增音对讲录音电话 sound-repeater mutually talking recording telephone

应答及录音电话机 telephone answering and recording machine

录音电话机 telegraphone

无人自动录音电话机 none automatic phone with recording

电脑控制的自动回答和录音电话机 computerized telephone answering and recording machine

