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估量的英文翻译 估量英文怎幺说 估量的英文例句




    to estimate
    to assess

estimate [estimәt]

    v.估计,估价,评估 n.估计,估价,评估

assess [ә'ses]



他提供的资讯价值难以估量。The information he provided was of inestimable value.为地方经济带来的效益是不可估量的。The benefit to the local economy would be incalculable.文化遗产是无法估量价值的You can't put a value on our cultural heritage.雨林维持世界上一半的物种,而这些物种的医学价值是无法估量的。Rain forests support half the world's species whose medical importance is of inestimable value.这条山谷若发洪水,就会造成不可估量的损失。A flood in the valley would cause incalculable losses.这些失败之处所带来的损失有的可以估量,有的却不能。Some of the consequences of this failure are calculable and some are not.这种推动力的深远影响是不能估量的。The far-reaching consequences of this impulse cannot be measured.爱情的力量是不可估量的。安琪拉把一位亚洲的无神论者逼进一个西方的教堂。The power of love is invincible.angel forced an asian atheist into a western church.你应该估量一下形势。You should weigh up the situation.我们的技术知识资源是无法估量的。Our resources in technical knowledge are imponderable.希望的估量能带你度过不如意的严酷考验。A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant ordeal.这种估量,多半是从主观主义出发。Such an appraisal stems mainly from subjectivism.


估量 on the basis of a realistic nationwide) appraisal

估量作 put at

可估量的供应 visible supply

损失赔偿估量 assessment of losses; measure of damage

难以估量的 inestimable

难以估量的价值 inestimable value

