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录取的英文翻译 录取英文怎幺说 录取的英文例句




    to recruit
    to enroll

recruit [ri'kru:t]

    n.新兵,新分子,新会员 vt.使恢复,补充,徵募 vi.徵募新兵,复原

enroll [in'rәul]

    v.[亦作enrol] 登记,招收,使入伍(或入会、入学等),参加,成为成员


这所大学因推行精英录取政策而受到谴责。The college is accused of haying an elitist admissions policy.很明显,他们的录取政策对年龄较大的申请人不利。Their recruitment policy is obviously biased against older applicants.员警在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假录取通知书的人。The police arrest8person who forge and cadge the fake advice note of matriculate.考生新生被大学录取的新生或报考生One who matriculates or is a candidate for matriculation.其他申请入学的海外学生必须直接向大学录取新生中央理事会申请。Other overseas candidates should apply direct to ucca.收到非正式的录取通知。I received an unofficial appointment.收到录取通知书后,我的心才落槽了。My mind was set at ease at last after receiving the admission notice.我问他为什幺要被录取入学I asked him why he wanted to matriculate找份工作并被录取入学Get a job and matriculate.


初步录取 preliminary selection

开始录取证言 proceed in taking a deposition

录取显示器 indicator with extracter

录取标誌 extraction mark

录取证言 deposit; deposition; recording of testimony

择优录取 enroll only those who are outstanding; select according to the marks they get

目标录取 target acquisition

