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核实的英文翻译 核实英文怎幺说 核实的英文例句




    to verify
    to check

verify [verifai]

    vt.检验,校验,查证,核实 [计] 打开或关闭文件的读写校验

check [tʃek]

    n.阻止,制止,控制,阻止物,支票,检讫的记号,饭馆的帐单 vt.检查,制止,核对,寄存,托运 vi.证明无误,核对无误,逐项相符,[象棋]将军


银行核实了这份单据。The document is validated by the bank.核实你的新陈代谢是否属于常人範围的…Metabolic sensing to make certain your metabolism...核实您的付款方式?Verify your mode of payment?可核实的真相、事实、资产。Verifiable truths facts assets客户信用情况调查及核实。Customer credit info search and verification.那正式我要通过社会网路分析来核实的That's actually what I'm trying to verify through social network analysis.我得去战略室好好梳核实一遍We got the war room up and running again.


交叉核实 cross validation

内查外调验证核实 internal and external verification

可核实性 verifiability

核实 verification of cash); verify; check

核实产量 verify output

核实供应 supply of materials after verification

核实的数字 verified figures

核实的物价指数 price indices verified by

核实程式 procedure of verification

核实经营单位佔用的国有资产价值 assessing the value of state assets employed by units in operation

核实证据 verify evidence

核实货载 verification of the load

核实预测 verification of forecast

永续盘存的核实 verification of perpetual inventory

现金核查,现金盘查,现金核实 cash verification

经核实的副本 verified copy

翻阅资料核实 check back

重述以便核实 red back

