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归罪的英文翻译 归罪英文怎幺说 归罪的英文例句



[guī zuì]

    to blame sb

blame [bleim]

    n.过失,责备 vt.责备,谴责


这个计画失败被归罪于他。The failure of the plan was laid at his door.教练员把比赛失利归罪于队员们不服从他的命令。The coach charged the loss of the game to the team's disobeying his order.归罪的物件,责难的物件被归咎、责备或归因的事物Something imputed, ascribed, or attributed.归咎于;归因于,归罪于。To put the blame for; attribute or impute.归罪归罪或归因的行为;责备The act of imputing or ascribing; attribution.我可没有你归罪于我的这些欲望。I have no aspirations such as those you impute to me.整个篮球队都会将所有是归罪于我The whole basketball team would have come down on me.他的证言归罪于他的朋友。His testimony criminated his friend.


主观归罪 subjective culpability

可归罪 inculpation; inculpatory

客观归罪 adjudging only awarding to objective facts; external attribution of guilt; objective culpability

归罪于 impute to; laid at her door; laid at his door; laid at my door; laid at our doors; laid at their doors; laid at your door; laid at your doors; lay at her door; lay at his door; lay at my door; lay at our doors; lay at their doors

