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合拍的英文翻译 合拍英文怎幺说 合拍的英文例句




    in time with (i.e. same rhythm)
    to keep in step with
    fig. to cooperate

time [taim]

    n.时间,时侯,时机,节拍,期限,次数,时期,比赛限时 vt.安排...的时间,记录...的时间,计时,定时 vi.打拍子,(...)合拍 adj.时间的,记时的,定时的,定期的,分期的

i.e. [ai'i:]


same [seim]

    adj.同一的,相同的,无变化的,上述的,所谓 pron.同样的事物 adv.同样地

rhythm [riðlm]


keep [ki:p]

    n.保持,保养,生计,监狱,[史]要塞 vt.保持,保存,遵守,经营,看守,拘留,维持,记(日记,帐等) vi.保持,继续不断

step [step]

    n.脚步,步幅,步调,步伐,步骤,措施,梯级,台阶 v.走,举步,移步,踏 产品资料转换规範


有个跳舞人的舞步稍微有些不合拍。One dancer was fractionally out of step.他同现代思想不合拍。He's out of step with modern ideas.乐曲快结束时,他们终于都演奏合拍了。By the end of the number they were all finally playing on the beat.1935年他和莱昂内尔•巴里莫尔合拍过两部电影,之后他就成了个酒鬼He'd made two movies with lionel barrymore in1935 then after that started drinking.共同的爱好和冒险精神让你们十分合拍。Fun-loving adventuresome certainly compatible.一对合拍的情侣很有可能就这样产生罗。A love match is likely.这种欢乐的场面并不能真正地使他活跃起来,因为他的心情与这场面不合拍。The gay scene could not really enliven him for his heart was not in turn with it.这两位姑娘的心意十分合拍,因而她们的意见也常常合拍得十分美妙。The minds of the two girls being toned in harmony often chimed very sweetly together.这种颜色的调配对一个老年人的家庭来说实在不合拍。Such a combination of colours is really too off-beat for an old people's home.


不合拍 out of step; out of time

与...合拍 in time with

合拍 am in gear; are in gear; in step; is in gear; was in gear; were in gear

合拍子 in time

同...合拍 keep time with

拍卖时相互勾结用廉价购入再在同伙中转售的联合拍货 knock out

