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很早的英文翻译 很早英文怎幺说 很早的英文例句




    very early

very [veri]

    adv.很,甚,及其,非常,完全 adj.真正的,真实的,恰好的,绝对的,十足的,特别的

early [ә:li]

    adj.早的,早熟的,及早的,早先的,早期的 adv.早,在初期


tali死前很早我就是摩萨德了I was mossad long before tali's death.从前,很早以前。Once upon a time phr.第二天清早她起得很早,付了店钱,便出发前往斯卡巴勒。Next morning she rose up early paid for her night's lodging and set out for scarborough.对一些群体的人们的传统有贡献和影响的很早以前的人。Person from an earlier time who contributed to the tradition shared by some group.很早以前,白色人种一直歧视有色人种。A long time ago the white race discriminationed against coloured races.他动身很早以防误了最后一班火车。He left early in case he should miss the last train.我很早就听说过外汇交易不适合于意志不坚定的人。I learned very early that forex trading is not for the shaky ones.我们很早被银铃般的钟声所闹醒。We were woken early by the peal of silvery bells.我们每星期二很早关门。We close early on tuesdays.我讨厌很早起床,所以比较喜欢上中班。I hate getting up early so I prefer the swing shift.

