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哼的英文翻译 哼英文怎幺说 哼的英文例句



    to groan
    to snort
    to hum

groan [grәun]

    n.呻吟,歎息 vi.呻吟,受折磨,受压迫发出嘎吱声 vt.呻吟着说

snort [snɔ:t]

    v.喷鼻息 n.喷鼻息


18岁的希瑟•皮布林斯开着车回家,一路跟着收音机哼唱着。Driving toward her home 18-year-old heather peebles hummed along to the radio.戴西报以“哞”地一声低沉的哼叫。Daisie replied with a low moo.恩哼,妈,我很好,只是…Uh-huh. Mom I'm fiine. It's...你没有时间去商店吗?“哼,真没机会。。"You didn't have time to go to the store?"Uh-uh no chance."帕森斯轻蔑地哼了一下鼻子。Parsons gave a contemptuous snort.他的嗓门愈说愈大,以至哼哼地自以为是地反责起来。His voice lifted into the whine of virtuous recrimination.他开始哼着曲子。He began to hum a tune.他有一些猪,哼,哼,哼。He has some pigs with an oink oink oink.他再也不能把自己当作一个气哼哼的门外汉了。He cannot pose any more as the disgruntled outsider.她独自哼着小调。She was humming a little tune t9herself.韦克斯福德的回答是哼了一下以示怀疑。Wexford's reply was a snort of disbelief.这可怜的小家伙正象个蒸汽机似的扑哧扑哧地哼哼。The poor little thing was snorting like a steam-engine.这里哼哼叫,那里也哼哼叫,Here an oink there an oink


交流哼声 a.c. hum

以哼哼之声压倒对方 groan down

哼声器 hummer

哼声抵消电阻器 hum-balancing resistor

哼声测试器 hum noise tester

哼声消除器 antihum

哼声滤除器 hum filter

哼声电位计 hum potentiometer

哼声电平 hum level

哼声电平计 hum level meter

对...发出哼声以示不满 snort at

抗哼装置 antihum device

隔哼医院 detention hospital

静脉哼鸣 venous hum又称"静脉营营音"。

