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很想的英文翻译 很想英文怎幺说 很想的英文例句



[hěn xiǎng]

    to miss sb
    to very much want to

miss [mis]

    n.过错,避免,失败,小姐,姑娘 vt.未得到,未达到,未听到,思念,未觉察,错过,遗漏,逃脱 vi.失败,击不中

very [veri]

    adv.很,甚,及其,非常,完全 adj.真正的,真实的,恰好的,绝对的,十足的,特别的

much [mʌtʃ]

    adj.许多的,大量的 adv.非常,很,...多,更加,非常,得多,多达,多得多 n.许多,大量 num.许多

want [wɔnt; (-) wɔ:nt]

    vt.想要,希望,需要,短缺,缺少 n.需要,短缺


我很想看看世界,而且磨炼一下。I'd like to see the world and rough it.我很想去参观毛主席纪念堂。I really want to see the chairman mao's memorial hall.我很想去看看广州的夜市。I really want to see the guangzhou night market.我很想去看看王府井步行街。I really want to see the wangfujing shopping mall.我很想再回到那个大老二的男人身边Looking to get back up on that pogo stick.我很想知道为什幺是粉红色的。Any idea why lemongrass tea is pink in color?我会很想你。I shall miss you terribly.我们不但愿意,而且很想去。We are willing nay eager to go.我们真的很想儘快的找到philoI wanted to find philo as fast as I could我实在很想参加某种社会福利工作。I really want to go into some kind of social work.我想他现在一定很想喝杯酒。I fear he needs a drink badly.我长大以后,啊,爸爸,也很想当个复活贩子呢!Oh father I should so like to be a resurrection man when I'm quite growed up!小美人鱼很想知道。The little mermaid wanted to know.这时,海面上已风平浪静,我很想冒险坐小船上那失事的船上看看。It was now calm and I had a great mind to venture out in my boat to this wreck;


不很想 had little mind to; have little mind to

很想 be curious to; had a great mind to; have a good mind to

很想要 set her mind upon; set my heart upon; set our hopes upon

