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很能的英文翻译 很能英文怎幺说 很能的英文例句



[hěn néng]

    be good at; be skillful in

good [gud]

    n.好,好事,慷慨的行为,好处,利益 adj.优良的,上等的,虔诚的,愉快的,慈善的,好心的,有益的

skillful [skilf(ә)l]



确实很能设计服装。You can certainly design dresses.她能言善辩,很能取信于人。She is eloquent and persuasive.我感到他很能干。He strikes me as very capable.一个典型的枪和训练有素的狗很能走千里运筹帷幄。A typical gun dog is very well trained and can follow commands from a long distance away.伊夫很能干,他还带福楼拜去遛达Yves is marvelous and he walks flaubert.因此,s曲线在构图时是一个很能吸引人的形状。So the s curve is an attractive shape to look for when you compose a photograph.原来如此。他是个很能干的人。A: I see.he is such a capable person.接下来我要谈的,相信很能引起所有澳洲人的共鸣,那就是香港与澳洲的伙伴关係。Another concept which I know strikes a chord with all australians is that of mateship.你不会后悔的。肉馅饼很能填饱肚子,也很好吃。You won't regret it; pasties are very filling and very tasty.你很能干,shannon。You're very capable shannon.我现在用的总管是个城里人,看起来倒是个很能干的小伙子。Now I have a bailiff a townsman; he seems a practical fellow.我只是在说演艺很能迷惑人All l'm saying is acting's so will-o '-the-wisp.这个早熟的小孩四岁时就很能读书了。This very precocious child could read well at the age of four.


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