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黑人的英文翻译 黑人英文怎幺说 黑人的英文例句




    black person

black [blæk]

    n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄髒了的,忧郁的 vt.(使)变黑,涂黑

person [pә:s(ә)n]



厌倦了在白人控制的企业中充当装点门面的黑人角色,他于1956年年退出了演艺圈。He ratired from acting in1956 tired of being the token black in a white-dominated industry.一对有钱的黑人夫妇收养了一个白人穷小子Where the rich black couple adopted the poor white trash kid一个面色灰白、穿得很体面的黑人走上前来。A pale well-dressed negro stepped near.一个主要居住在北尼日利亚的黑人民族成员。A member of a negroid people living chiefly in n nigeria.因为是黑人,他不得不忍受他同学的奚落。Be black he have to endure the taunt of his classmate.在非洲草原上到处流浪的一群群土着黑人。Bands of black natives wandering over the veldt.在黑人蒂斯洛地区的遗迹并不十分丰富That the ruins at desoro negros are not very spectacular.在黑人和老年高血压患者中,更可能伴有低肾素水準。Hypertension is more likely to be accompanied by low renin levels in blacks and the elderly.住在北纳塔尔的东南非洲的个子高大的黑人民族成员。A member of the tall negroid people of se africa living in n natal.


歧视黑人的法律 Jim Crow Law

黑人 son of ebony

黑人地带 black belt

黑人法典 Black Codes; secret; shady

黑人经营的银行 black bank

黑人血统 dash of the tar brush; touch of the tar brush

黑人银行 black bank

