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观望的英文翻译 观望英文怎幺说 观望的英文例句




    to observe from outside
    to have an overview
    to oversee

observe [әb'zә:v]


outside [aut'said]

    n.外面,外表,外界 adj.外面的,外表的,外界的 adv.在外面,外表,出界 prep.在...外

overview ['ovɚ.vju]

    n (fml 文) short general description (without unnecessary details); survey 综览; 概观; 概述: an overview of the company's plans for the next year 公司下年度计画概述


她透过帘子的缝隙观望。She looked through a crack in the curtains.旁观者一旁观望者,一位观众One that looks on; a spectator.对任何事情我都不打算骑墙观望。I'm not going to ride the fence on any issue.当清扫船只準备出海的时候,我只能无助地观望。I could only look on helplessly as the boat was swept out to sea.眼罩:附在笼头上的遮挡物,防止马向后或两侧观望。Blinkers: the flaps on a bridle which stop a horse from seeing backwards or sideways.从那里窥看食物,眼睛远远观望。From thence she seeketh the prey and her eyes behold afar off.开会时他往往持观望态度。He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.他们採取等待和观望的政策。They pursue a policy of wait and see.特平法官:我认为不是,你观望着我的养女,约翰娜,你观望过她。是的,先生,你观望了!Judge turpin: I think gandered at my ward gandered at her. Yes sir you gandered!总统观赏美国海军走过观望台The president watched the us navy march past his viewing stand.


徘徊观望伺机作案 loiter with intent

持观望态度 sit on the fence

观望 saw how the gander hops; see how the gander hops; seen how the gander hops

观望形势 took his bearings

观望形势后再作决定 see how the cat jumps

观望形势后再作决策 saw which way the cat jumps

观望政策 wait and see policy

观望的 wait and see

採用观望态度 adopt a wait and see attitude

