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黑熊的英文翻译 黑熊英文怎幺说 黑熊的英文例句



[hēi xióng]

    Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus)

asiatic [eizi'ætik; (-) eʒi'ætik]

    n.亚洲人 adj.亚洲(人)的

black [blæk]

    n.黑色,黑颜料,黑人 adj.黑色的,弄髒了的,忧郁的 vt.(使)变黑,涂黑

bear [beә(r)]

    n.熊 v.负担,忍受,带给,具有,挤,向


红褐色时期的美洲黑熊。Reddish-brown color phase of the american black bear.千年以来,亚洲黑熊因为它们的器官而遭到猎捕,For thousand of years the asiatic black bear had been hunted for its organs我们在动物园看到一只黑熊。We saw a black bear at the zoo.亚洲黑熊具有很高经济价值,同时又是国宝大熊猫的近亲。The asiatic black bear have higher economical value and is the relative to giant panda.一名十八岁的青年在加拿大西北领地的营地被黑熊杀害。An18-year-old man was killed by a black bear at a northwest territories campground.一只大黑熊坐在一只大黑臭虫上。A big black bear sat on a big black bug.白神山地的森林中还生活着黑熊、鬣羚和87种鸟类。The black bear the serow and87species of birds can be found in this forest.熊类,包括黑熊的最有趣的一个特点是他们的冬眠。One of the most interesting characteristics of bears including the black bear is their winter sleep.原本居住在黄刀镇的凯尔?哈利与一位朋友去露营时,被黑熊追赶并且遭到攻击。Yellowknife resident kyle harry was chased and mauled by the animal while camping with a friend.

