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naked [neikid]



我在那儿全身赤裸…Where I am nude from head to toe...以前,每个星期六早晨,男孩们都去池塘裸泳The boys used to go skinny-dip in the pond every saturday morning影印店的那个女孩,全裸The girl from the xerox place buck naked有脉管系统的绿色植物:蕨类植物,裸子植物,被子植物。Green plant having a vascular system: ferns gymnosperms angiosperms.有些小麦和裸麦大量分蘖。Some wheats and ryes tiller freely.在公众场合裸体飞跑。Run naked in a public place.在舞台和银幕上有身体正面裸露的场面。There was frontal nudity on stage and screen.指每个家伙打飞机完后清洗他们的裸体房。The guy that cleans up the nudie booths after each guy jerks off.


人体允许裸露的程度 permissible level of human exposure

光船裸船 n. naked hull

前裸子植物 progymnosperms

小型裸机 naked mini

裸体 birthday suit

裸光纤 bare fiber

裸光纤温度感测器 bare optical fiber temperature sensor

裸光纤适配器 bare fiber adaptor

裸出部 nudity

裸区 apterium

裸卵 naked ovum

裸囊壁的 gymnocystidean

裸囊壳 gymnothecium

裸囊果 gymnocarp

裸壁 gymnocyst

裸大麦 naked barley, Hordeum vulgare L. var. nudum Hook.f.又称"元麦","青稞"。

裸大麦粉 naked barley flour又称"青稞面"。

裸头尾蚴 gymnocephalus cercaria

裸孢子 gymnospore

裸导线 bare wire

裸导体 bare conductor

裸导线 plain conductor

裸岩 bare rock

裸拱卸架 unloading bare rib, unloading bare ring

裸根移植 bare root transplanting

裸根苗 bareroot seedling

裸母线 bare bus-bar

裸焊条 bare electrode; bare wire electrode

裸燃料元件 bare fuel element

裸燕麦 naked oat, Avena nuda L.又称"蓧麦"。

