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关门的英文翻译 关门英文怎幺说 关门的英文例句




    close down
    closed doors

close [klәus]

    v.关,关闭,结束,停止,使靠近,靠拢,会合,包围 n.结束 adj.近的,紧密的,精密的,齐根的,封闭的,亲密的,闷气的 adv.接近,紧密地

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地

closed [klәuzd]


doors [dɔ:z]



那家商店八点钟关门。That shop shuts at eight pm.然后上厕所,用力关门You go into the bathroom and you slam the door.如果你要出去,关门请用点劲否则锁不上。Be sure and slam the door when you leave or it doesn't lock.如果我们关门了,我们就在这里开一家摇滚歌厅。If it happens we'll uh we'll all just stay here open up a roller disco.说说看,rod,关门后你準备做什幺?Say rod what are your plans after the shutdown?他猛力关门做为回报。He answer was to slam the door.脱衣舞夜总会已全部关门。The strip-tease clubs were all closed.我非常乐意让奥氏企业关门大吉Nothing would please me more than to put osborn out of business.我们每星期二很早关门。We close early on tuesdays.我们这里关门后有一个安全清扫小组Well there's a security sweep after we close.现在,射击场已经关门;射击的结果即将出现。Well the shooting gallery is now closed; the experimental results are coming in.应提供足够大小的结构钢角钢,调节关门器。Structural steel angles shall be provided of sufficient size to accommodate the door closers.阅览室下午6点关门The reading room closes at6p. M.自动关门器可以防止风灌进来。An automatic door shutter prevents draughts.

