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光泽的英文翻译 光泽英文怎幺说 光泽的英文例句




    Guangze county in Nanping 南平

county [kaunti]



月长石一种因为具有珍珠半透明的光泽而被视为宝石的长石A variety of feldspar valued as a gem for its pearly translucence.在蛤或者牡蛎的壳里的圆滑的有光泽的结构;其价值相当于宝石。A smooth lustrous round structure inside the shell of a clam or oyster; much valued as a jewel.珍珠的光泽映在她的脸上。The orient shone on her face.最后在蛋糕表面上了一层红醋栗增加光泽。The cake was finished with a redcurrant glaze.


一等光泽的钻石 diamond of the first water

丝绢光泽 silky luster

乌光泽 dull luster

仿古光泽纸 antique glazed paper

优级有光泽羊毛 blue wool

优级有光泽羊毛 blue wool

使...失去光泽 take the shine out of

使...失去玻璃光泽 devitrify

使具有光泽 put a gloss on

使失去光泽 breathe upon; breathed upon

光泽 glazing; politure

光泽彩料 lustre

光泽最纯 firstwater

光泽柔和的地毯 gentleman''s carpet

光泽测定器 glarimeter

光泽涂料 gloss paint

光泽白 gloss white

光泽纸 glossy paper

光泽纸板 Bristol board

光泽苔藓 lichen nitidus

光泽计 glossmeter

光泽釉 bright glaze glossy glaze

半光泽的 half mat; half matte

半光泽美术纸 semi-mat art paper

可变角度光泽计 variable-angle glossmeter

土光泽 earth luster

多角度光泽计 multi-angle glossmeter

失去光泽 loss of gloss

扫描型显微光泽计 scanning type microscopic lustremeter

无光泽的 matte

