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bright [brait]



屋子里开始发暗,他转身凑着光亮,盯着玻璃镇纸看。The room was darkening.he turned over towards the light and lay gazing into the glass paperweight.一盏油灯点在灶前,萤火那幺的光亮。In front of the stove stood an oil lamp it slight flickering like that of a fire-fly.用bz11添加剂的氯化钾全光亮镀锌Full bright zinc plating using potassium chloride bath with additive bz-11用浮石(把某物)磨光使之变得乾净、光亮或柔滑To clean polish or smooth with pumice.在速度、光亮或者时间短暂方面像流星一样。Like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience.这个木工活的末道漆光亮照人。The woodwork had an attractive gloss finish.


人造丝光亮轧别丁 rayon sheen gabardine

人造丝光亮轧别丁成套服装 rayon sheen gabardine suit

人造丝光亮轧别丁雨衣 rayon sheen gabardine raincoat

使...发光亮 shone

光亮丝 illumi yarn

光亮丝缎 satin soleil

光亮剂 lustre-coating agent

光亮厚缎 skinners satin

光亮地 brightly

光亮塔夫绸 taffeta lustre

光亮带 n. euphotic zone

光亮度 intensity

光亮度控制 light brightness control

光亮油 bright stock

光亮炉 furnace for brightness

光亮热处理 bright heat treatment

光亮煤 bright coal

光亮电镀 bright plating

光亮画面 high light scene

光亮织物 lusterer

光亮绸 lutestring

光亮色彩 glowing color

光亮薄绢 Grenadine

光亮薄绸 lustring gauzy silk

光亮轧别丁 sheen gabardine

光亮软钢六角冲压螺丝帽 bright mild steel hexagonal pressed nut

光亮软钢六角螺丝帽 bright mild steel hexagonal nut

光亮软钢圆头木螺丝 bright mild steel round head wood screw

光亮软钢平头木螺丝 bright mild steel countersunk head wood screw

光亮软钢开尾销 bright mild steel cotter pin

