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何必的英文翻译 何必英文怎幺说 何必的英文例句




    there is no need
    why should

there [ðeә(r)]


no [nәu]

    n.否定,投反对票者 adj.没有,不许,反对 adv.不,并不,毫不 [域] Norway ,挪威

need [ni:d]

    n.需要,必需,必需品,要求,贫困 vt.需要 modal v.必要,必须

should [ʃed]



又何必太计较呢?Why do we care for so much?芝生,你那幺胆小,何必出来!If you're so chicken-hearted chih-sheng you shouldn't have come out with us in the first place.採取任何必要的行动。Take whatever action is needed.既然能用塑胶,何必非用木料?Why use wood when you can use plastic?你何必还要一天天陷在蚕食着你生命的痛苦之中!Why shouldst thou tarry so much as one other day in the torments that have so gnawed into thy life?切勿追逐自己的帽子--人家会乐意为你追回来的嘛,何必去扫人家的兴。Never run after your own hat-others will be delighted to do it; why spoil their fun.如果不需要把详细资料以一种漂亮的格式来保存,又何必自寻麻烦呢?If there's no need to keep detail data in any kind of presentable format why bother?我何必需要书本呢?Why should I need a book?有麝自然香,何必大风扬。Where there is musk there is fragrance; it doesn't need to be wafted everywhere by the wind.在任何必需的时刻更新所有的绳索,从而确保维持足够的安全係数。Renewing of all ropes whenever necessary to insure maintenance of adequate safety factor.

