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盒装的英文翻译 盒装英文怎幺说 盒装的英文例句



[hé zhuāng]

    box-packed; case-package


管理部门将乐意为想外出午餐的住校师生提供盒装食品。The management will be glad to provide a packed meal for residents wishing to lunch out.如今彩票行销手段亦如盒装洗涤剂穀物早餐食品和棒棒糖那样巧妙。Lottery games are marketed as slickly as any box of detergent cereal or candy bar.“我买的这些巧克力是散装的,不是盒装的。”"I bought these chocolates loose not in a box."刚发行了一套披头士乐队新的盒装的雷射唱片和卡带。A new box set of beatles music has just been released on cd and cassette.盒式便餐:用小盒装起来个人配额午餐。Box lunch: an individually portioned lunch packed in a small box.全膳宿星期一到星期五:早餐,盒装午餐和晚餐。Full board mon-sun: breakfast packed lunch and evening meal.我买的这些巧克力是散装的,不是盒装的。I bought these chocolates loose not in a box.我买的这些糖果是散装的,不是盒装的。I bought these sweets loose not in a box.明天我们让这家饭店给我们準备盒装饭。We will ask the hotel to prepare packed lunch for us tomorrow.


标準活动头磁片盒装置 standard moving-head magnetic disc cartridge unit

盒装冷果汁 carton packed chilled juice

盒装可哥粉 cocoa powder in packet

盒装朱古力蛋 chocolate egg

盒装标準样棉 box cotton

盒装电影片 magazine loading cine film

盒装米粉 rice vermicelli in box

盒装红参 red ginseng in box red ginseng in box packing

盒装绘图器 drafting kit

盒装绘图器器 case of drawing instruments

鞋盒装订机 shoe case stapling machine

