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路灯的英文翻译 路灯英文怎幺说 路灯的英文例句




    street lamp
    street light

street [stri:t]


lamp [læmp]

    n.灯 vt.照亮

light [lait]

    n.光,日光,发光体,灯 adj.轻的,发光的,明亮的,浅的vt.点燃,照亮 adv.轻地 vi.点着,变亮


文戈撞上了路灯柱,手臂受了伤。Vingo charged into a lamppost and hurt his arm.小王子一到了这个行星上,就很尊敬地向点路灯的人打招呼When he arrived on the planet he respectfully saluted the lamplighter.本论文的工程背景是“富阳市路灯亮化无线监控系统”。This paper is based on the project of "the wireless scad a system of street light in fu yang city".大街上为数不多的路灯投下了昏暗的灯光。The few street-lamps shed down squalor.将长颈鹿系在电线杆或路灯是违法的。Against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.那些路灯下形形色色的事都有,就是与他无关。Everything went on there below these lamps shut away from him.这伙年轻人用一个路灯的柱子撞开商店的门。The group of young people rammed open the doors of shops with a pole of a street lamp.


串联路灯用变压器 series streetlighting transformer

搪瓷路灯罩 enamel street lamp shade

航路灯塔 airway lighthouse

路灯 street lamp

路灯泡 street light lamp bulb

路灯罩 street lamp shade

路灯自动控制器 automatic controller for road lamp

道路灯具 luminaire for road and street lighting, streetlighting luminaire

高压水银路灯 high tension mercury street light

