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扩建的英文翻译 扩建英文怎幺说 扩建的英文例句




    to extend a building

extend [ik'stend]


building [bildiŋ]



我们的工厂正在扩建。We're expanding our plant.修复当联赛要求时业余俱乐部的座位数扩建。Fixed seating expansions for non-professional clubs when requested by the league.在我们製造车间新近的扩建工程中,我们可不能过份吝啬,因小失大。Let's not be penny-wise and pound-foolish in the new expansion of our production plant.这是一个依託城郊老旧防护林带进行更新扩建的公园设计。The park design is about the renovation and enlargement based on an old shelterbelt in the suburb.最初传说公园可能扩建时,市民们的怒气逐渐发作。When it was first suggested that the park might be built on the citizens did a slow burn.


全面扩建 general extension

固定资产扩建 addition to fixed assets

对于...的扩建部分 extension to

建筑和扩建 construction and additions

扩建 addition

扩建及改良準备 addition and betterment reserve

扩建工作 expansion effort

扩建工程 expand a project

扩建意见 extension proposal

扩建投资 expansion investments

扩建计画 expansion plan

扩建部分 addition

扩建项目 extension projects

扩建 expand the enterprise''s) premises; carry out) expansion

抵补已完扩建项目的盈余 appreciated for accomplished expansion

拓宽道路,扩建道路 widen roads

推荐的扩建方案 extension proposal

改建扩建 rebuilding and expansion of the existing enterprises)

改良扩建资产通知单 betterment order

新建、改建、扩建 building state enterprises and renovating and enlarging old ones

现有资产扩建 addition to existing assets

计画中的扩建企业 future extension of the project

