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核武的英文翻译 核武英文怎幺说 核武的英文例句



[hé wǔ]

    nuclear weapon

nuclear [nju:kliә(r); 'nu:-]


weapon [wepәn]



修订了核武器发射的锁死情况。Fixed lockup with nuke launching.一位感情用事的审判律师;消除核武器的事件令人兴奋An emotive trial lawyer; the emotive issue of nuclear disarmament.已经获得了核武器?Could have acquired a nuclear weapon?用核武器摧毁整座城市。To nuke the whole city.这个政党对核武器的正式立场是什幺?What is the party line on nuclear weapons?这些核武器总共含有100公吨适合製造武器的鈈。These nuclear weapons contain a total of about100tonnes of weapons-grade plutonium.这只是个答录机,又不是什幺热核武器It's an answering machine not a thermonuclear device中国政府承诺不对无核国家使用核武器。The chinese government undertakes non-use of nuclear weapons against nonnuclear countries.


不扩散核武器 nonprolification of nuclear weapons

不首先使用核武器原则 principle of no first use of nuclear weapons

使...非核武器化 de nuclearize

全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器 complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons

全面禁止核武器 complete prohibition of nuclear weapons

无核武器区 nuclear-weapon-free zone

无核武器国家 nuclear-weapon-free state

有能力生产核武器的国家 nuclear-competent state

核武器 nuclear weapon

核武器主义 nuclearism

核武器国家 nuclear weapon state

核武器效应研究 nuclear weapons effects research

核武器试验 nuclear weapon test

热核武器 thermo-nuclear weapon

禁止使用核武器和热核武器 prevention of using the nuclear weapons and thermonuclear weapons

禁止生产核武器用裂变材料公约 a convention banning the production of missile materials for nuclear weapon purposes

裁减核武器 reduction of nuclear weapons

限制战略核武器 limitation on strategic nuclear weapons

