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昆士兰的英文翻译 昆士兰英文怎幺说 昆士兰的英文例句



[kūn shì lán]

    Queensland, northeast Australian state

queensland [kwi:nzlænd]


northeast [.nɔ:θ'i:st]

    n.东北 adj.东北的

australian [ɔ'streiliәn]

    adj.澳洲的,澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人的 n.[地名] 澳大利亚

state [steit]

    n.情形,状态,国家,政府,州 adj.国家的,国有的,国营的,州的,正式的,典礼用的 vt.声明,陈述,规定


席捲昆士兰的暴风雨是由一股从卡奔塔利亚海湾移入内陆的低气压造成的。The storm over queensland was caused by a depression moving inland from the gulf of carpentaria.澳大利亚昆士兰西南棉区遭遇冰雹袭击。Reports have confirmed that storms brought damaging hail to cotton areas in south-west queensland.第一批志愿者刚刚在昆士兰西南部的牲口营体验了十个星期。The first group of volunteers has just spent10weeks on a droving camp in south-western queensland.菲力浦斯希望能获得参加昆士兰州网球锦标赛的“百搭”式队员资格。Phillips is hoping for a wild card entry to the queensland tennis championships.类似于欧洲蕨;分布在澳洲的昆士兰。Resembles pteridium aquilinum; of queensland australia.我正和昆士兰大学的同行们一起製造一种新型汽车。I've been building a new car with a team from queensland university.于是我到澳洲昆士兰去访问这位鳄鱼猎人。I went to queensland australia to ask the crocodile hunter himself.朱娣在去昆士兰之前已经写完了那本书。Judy had finished writing the book before she went to queensland.


昆士兰大麻 Queensland hemp

昆士兰大麻 Queensland hemp

昆士兰棉 Queensland cotton

昆士兰棉 Queensland cotton

昆士兰热 Q fever

昆士兰羊毛 Queensland wool

昆士兰羊毛 Queensland wool

昆士兰蜱传斑疹伤寒 Queensland tickborne typhus

