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和数的英文翻译 和数英文怎幺说 和数的英文例句



[hé shù]


summation [sʌ'meiʃ(ә)n]



五抵押人偿还贷款的时间和数额;5the Schedule and amounts of the mortgagor's repayment of the loan;新生儿对药物的代谢,无论在品质和数量上都非常不足。Drug metabolism is very deficient qualitatively and quantitatively in the newborn.一种点字体以凸起的点表示字母和数位的书写模式。A point system of writing in which patterns of raised dots represent letters and numerals.英语和数学在高中高年级学生中很受重视。English and mathematics are made much of in senior high schools.在资料分析和数值类比的基础上,对北极海冰的气候变率进行了深入的研究,结果如下:The coupled model was used to simulate the arctic ocean sea ice climate variability.这个病人对事情和数字有很好的记性。The patient showed good retention of facts and figures.字元代码的一部分,它和数位一起编码,用来代表非数位资讯。That part of a character code used with the numeric coding to represent nonnumeric information.


中和数 n. neutralization number

估计资金的流转时间和数量 estimate time and amount of the flow of funds

刑事犯罪的事实和资料 criminological facts and figures

单位和数量指数 unit value and quantum index number

和数校验位 sum check digit

和数进位相关加法器 carry-dependent sum adder

总和数字法 sum-of-digits method

模2和数 sum modulotwo

模二和数 summodulo two; summodulotwo

监控和资料获取系统 supervisory control and data aquisition system, SCADA system

程式和资料共用 sharing of programs and data

调和数列 harmonic series

资金流转时间和数量 time and amount of the flow of funds

跟蹤和资料获取系统 tracking and data acquistion system

