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光导纤维的英文翻译 光导纤维英文怎幺说 光导纤维的英文例句



[guāng dǎo xiānwéi]

    optical fiber

optical [ɔptik(ә)l]


fiber [faibә(r)]

    n.=fibre 光纤


必须更换损坏的光导纤维。Defective optical guides must be replaced.传惑器沿光导纤维输送光信号。A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre.使光导纤维和电线束从cd换碟机预留中露出。Expose optical waveguide and electric wire harness from the cd autochanger preparation.光导纤维,右舵驾驶,第2页,共2页Optical wave guide right-hand drive sheet2of2光导纤维,左舵驾驶,第1页,共2页Optical wave guide left-hand drive sheet1of2将连接点保持架固定到前面板并连接光导纤维连接点。Secure connection point holder to the front panel and join optical waveguide connection point.在另一端,光导纤维传导用来照亮细胞组织的雷射光束。At the other end an optical fibre transports a laser beam which illuminates the tissue.


光导纤维 optical waveguide fibre

光导纤维功率计 fiber-optics power meter

光导纤维喉镜 fiber optic laryngoscope

光导纤维外套 opticalfiber jacket

光导纤维干涉仪 optical fiber interferometer

光导纤维摄像机 fiber-optic camera

光导纤维支气管镜 fiber optic bronchoscope

光导纤维束 fibreoptic bundle

光导纤维镭射止血器 fiber optic laser hemostat

光导纤维电缆 fiber optic cable

光导纤维系统 opticalfiber system

光导纤维膀胱镜 optical fiber cystoscope

光导纤维记录器 fiber-optics recorder

光导纤维透照器 fiberoptic transilluminator

光导纤维食管镜 fiber optic esophagoscope

光导纤维鼻窦镜 fiber optic sinoscope

内镜光导纤维 endoscopic optical fibers

折射率渐变的光导纤维 graded index fibre

挠性光导纤维 flexible light transmitting fibre

