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亏空的英文翻译 亏空英文怎幺说 亏空的英文例句




    in debt
    in the red
    in deficit

debt [det]


red [red]

    n.红色,红衣服,红颜料,赤字,亏空 adj.红(色)的,革命的


公司亏空了五千美元。The company had a deficit of 5000 dollars.虽然这是个小店,可是它经营得法,从不亏空。That was a small business, but it was wisely managed, and it kept out of the hole.我的银行帐户有50英镑的亏空。My bank account is 50 in the red.后来因为被怀疑舞弊和亏空公款Then he fled to switzerland...即使让赞助者陷入了亏空的境地,也要在技术上取得成功。Score technical successes even if their backers weltered in red ink.要弥补这些亏空,三年是个很短的时间。Three years was a short time in which to make good the deficiencies.额外的拨款将勉强弥补我们已经积欠下来的亏空。The extra grant will only just cover the deficit that we've run up already.


不再亏空 get out of the red

亏空 deplete; depletion; gap; hole

亏空,亏空额 be in debt; deficit; debt; be in the red

亏空公款者 defalcator; defaulter

亏空委託金 defalcation

亏空额 defalcation; deficit

国库亏空 government treasury became depleted

委託金亏空人 defalcator

年预算结余或亏空 annual budgetry surplus or deficit

累积亏绌,累计亏空,累积亏损 cumulative deficit; accumulated deficit

美元荒,美元缺乏,美元亏空 dollar shortage

资本亏空,资本亏损,资本亏绌 capital deficit; capital deficiency

