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颌骨的英文翻译 颌骨英文怎幺说 颌骨的英文例句



[hé gǔ]

    jaw bone

jaw [dʒɔ:]

    n.[解]颚,颌,下巴(用複数),(山谷、海峡等的)狭窄的入口,[机]叉钳,钳夹 v.闲谈,教训,唠叨

bone [bәun]

    n.骨 v.剔除


结论:leforti型截骨术是治疗陈旧性上颌骨骨折一种较好的方法。Conclusion: lefort I osteotomy can be a method in the treatment of old maxillary fracture.目的:应用有限元方法分析咀嚼肌牵动的下颌骨应力状态。To analyse stress state of mandible pulled by masticatory muscles.目的探讨三维ct成像技术在颌骨骨折诊疗中的应用价值。Objective to sutdy the value of3d ct reconstructive technique in maxillofacial fracture.上颌骨窦的大小,上颧骨的位置…Maxillary sinus volume high cheek bone placement...


上颌骨 maxillary bone

上颌骨切除术 maxillectomy

上颌骨炎 maxillitis

上颌骨骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of maxilla

下颌骨 mandible

下颌骨侧位投照术 lateral position roentgenography of mandible

下颌骨后前位投照术 posterio-anterior position of mandibular roentgenography

下颌骨颜面发育不全 mandibulofacial dysostosis

前颌骨 premaxillary bone

涎腺下颌骨舌侧陷入 lingual mandibular salivary gland depression又称"唾液腺下颌骨舌侧陷入"。

肋骨分叉-基底细胞痣-颌骨囊肿综合征 bifid rib-basal cell nevus-jaw cyst syndrome

舌颌骨 hyomandibular bone

非正中颌骨关係 eccentric jaw relation

颌骨中枢癌 central carcinoma of jaw

颌骨正中关係 centric jaw relation

颌骨间关係 jaws relation

颌骨间正中关係 centric relation of jaws

