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和风的英文翻译 和风英文怎幺说 和风的英文例句



[hé fēng]


breeze [bri:z]

    n.微风,煤屑,焦炭渣,轻而易举的事,小风波 vi.吹微风,逃走


你就必须懂得判断距离和风向You must be able to judge distance and wind direction.它们是地热能、太阳能和风力。They are geothermal energy solar energy and wind power.我家有雪柜和风扇。There is a refrigerator and a fan in my house.我将参加一个一天的旅游团,游览那不勒斯,苏连托和风景如画的卡普里岛。I'm going on a one-day excursion to naples sorrento and the picturesque island of capri.在水蚀和风蚀面积中,水蚀风蚀交错区土壤侵蚀面积为26万平方公里。In the water and wind erosion areas the overlapping area of the water and wind erosion is260000km2.与风速和风向测量有关的。Pertaining to the measurement of wind speed and direction.约翰一下子就把船开来了,和风帮了他的忙。John came up with the ship hand over head the moderate breeze giving him an advantage.


和风 gentle zephyr

和风牌汽车 Zephyr

和风牌汽车 Zephyr

地方法律和风俗习惯 local laws and customs

总和风险 integrated overall risk

按股份大小承担责任和风险 responsibilities and risks are borne by the shareholders in proportion to their shares

测风速和风向的 anemometric

违反法律和风俗习惯 break the laws and customs

陆海和风 n. land and sea breeze

