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sunflower [sʌnflauә(r)]



我倾向于用向日葵籽油炒菜。I tend to cook with sunflower oil.向日葵的茎很长。A sunflowers has a long stalk.向日葵的块茎,可生吃,也可煮熟吃,或切成薄片后油炸,象撒拉托加炸片一样。Sunflower tuber eaten raw or boiled or sliced thin and fried as saratoga chips.小林在给向日葵浇水。Xiao lin is watering the sunflowers.一种在岩石区湖水潭常见的海葵。A genus of sea anemone common in rock pools.用秋葵荚增稠的汤或炖菜。A soup or stew thickened with okra pods.


冬葵子 chingma abutilon seed malva seed

冬葵果 cluster mallow fruit

向日葵 sunflower

向日葵子饼粉 sunflower meal

向日葵籽 sunflower seed

天葵子 radix semiaquilegiae

新会葵扇 palm leaf fan of Xinhui

棕编织製品 palm wares

棕葵製品 palm and palm-leaf products palm and palm products

棕葵混合洗衣刷 palm and cocoanut fibre mixed brush

棕骨扫帚 palm leaf rib broom

浓缩紫背天葵露 concentrated zi bei tian kui juice

电子向日葵 electronic sunflower

电子向日葵 electronic sunflower

白葵花籽 white sunflower seed

秋葵 okra

秋葵属植物纤维 musk mallow fibre

秋葵属韧皮纤维 abelmoschus fibre

秋葵纤维 bayndie fibre ochro

秋葵罐头 canned okra

药用蜀葵 althea marshmallow

菟葵 eranthis pinnatifida

落葵 malabar spinach俗称"木耳菜"。

葵製品 palm products

葵子麝香 musk ambrette

葵帽 palm hat

葵扇 palm fan

葵瓣碗 mallow-petal bowl

葵篮 palm basket

葵花形花盆 flower pot,sunflower shape

