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愧的英文翻译 愧英文怎幺说 愧的英文例句




ashamed [ә'ʃeimd]



他们使他非常羞愧。They filled him with shame.他却尽在羞愧的圈子里打滚。He was wallowing in mortification.他为自己不体面的行为感到羞愧。He is ashamed of his shameful conduct.忘记我的惭愧。”酒鬼低下头忏悔。Forget that I am ashamed "the tippler confessed hanging his head.问心无愧,永无畏惧。Keep conscience clear then neer fear.我突然觉得愧疚不已。Suddenly my conscience smote me.我衷心地希望受之无愧的人能荣膺此奖,不管他是否是斯堪的纳维亚人。The most worthy shall receive the prize whether he be a scandinavian or not.无愧的内心;用无罪的无烦恼的眼睛看着她的质问者。A clear conscience; looked at her questioner with clear untroubled eyes.羞愧会摧毁自尊、放逐自尊。Shame destroys and displaces self-esteem.这个追求幸福的小骑士,毫无愧色地接受了这新的好运。That little soldier of fortune took her good turn in an easy way.这里漂亮的都能够让泰熙陵觉得羞愧Its beauty puts the taj mahal to shame.


为...而羞愧 blush for

以...来使...惭愧 shame with

使感到羞愧 put someone to shame; put to shame

因...感到惭愧 be ashamed at

因...而感到羞愧 abash at

惭愧 ashamed of; blush at

感到惭愧 feel small; think shame; thought shame

感到渐愧 feel cheap

感到羞愧 feel like two cents

由于...而感羞愧 ashame at

羞愧 ashamed of

说...应自觉惭愧 cried shame on; cried shame upon

