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呵的英文翻译 呵英文怎幺说 呵的英文例句



    variant of 啊

variant [veәriәnt]

    adj.不同的 n.变数


你是左撇子,呵?You're a southpaw huh?适宜心中烦乱、睡眠不安、呵欠频作的人长期饮用。可改善顽固性神经衰弱的症状。The long-term drink can help you sleep well and it is suitable for heavy neurasthenic and insomnia.树儿们呵、是大地的思慕,踮起了脚尖、窥向天堂。The trees like the longings of the earth stand a-tiptoe to peep at the heaven.他打了个呵欠伸了伸懒腰。He stretched himself with a yawn.我呵婴孩痒,婴孩笑了。The baby laughed when I gave her a tickle.我们咳嗽,打呵欠,伸懒腰。We cough yawn and stretch our limbs.在客人面前别打呵欠。Don't yawn in company.这篇文章的视角独特,秉笔直抒,入木三分,一气呵成。The view point of this article is unique and its description is direct and penetrating at one time.


一气呵成 at a heat

一气呵成地 at a dash; at one whack

呵斥得哑口无言 bellow off

